Page 8 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 8

This division had high-capacity equipment, divided into two sections, each of which could
               produce  germs  independently.  The  main  equipment  of  the  first  section  consisted  of  four
               boilers, each of one-ton capacity, for the preparation of the culture medium for the bacteria,
               and 14 autoclaves for sterilizing the medium, each 3 metres long and 1.5 metres in diameter.
               Each autoclave could hold 30 cultivators of a special design invented by Ishii, the Chief of
               Detachment 731. This first section had two cooling chambers for the medium, each of which
               could hold 100 cultivators simultaneously. This section also had five thermostats with a total
               capacity of 620 Ishii cultivators.

                  The  second  section  had  two  boilers  of  two-ton  capacity  each,  eight  autoclaves,  each
               capable of containing 60 cultivators, and other equipment.

                  The division also had a special refrigerator for preserving the finished "product."

                  Experts  have  calculated,  on  the  basis  of  the  available  data  regarding  the  capacity  of  its
               main items of germ-breeding equipment, that Detachment 731 alone was capable of breeding,
               in the course of one production cycle, lasting only a few days, no less than 30,000,000 billion
               microbes. The experts stress that this is an extraordinarily large quantity of microbes to be
               produced in such a space of time.

                  This intensive rate of production led the personnel of detachments 731 and 100 to measure
               the quantity of bacteria they bred in terms of kilograms. That explains why the accused in
               their testimony give bacteria quantities in kilograms, this referring to the weight of the thick,
               creamy bacteria mass skimmed directly from the surface of the culture medium.

                  For  instance,  describing  the  productive  capacity  of  Detachment  731,  the  accused
               Kawashima stated:

                  ". . . With the available equipment and its rate

               of output, the Production Division . . . could manufacture

               as much as 300 kilograms of plague bacteria monthly."

                  (Vol. 3, p. 317.)

               Another accused, Karasawa, gave similar testimony: ". . . The monthly output of the germ-

               division could be raised ... if all its equipment were

               fully operated ... to about 300 kilograms of plague

               bacteria." (Vol. 4, p. 286.)

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