Page 67 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 67

Answer: All the methods of employing bacteriological weapons put in commission in the
               Kwantung Army were sanctioned before my. appointment to the post of Commanderin-Chief
               of the Kwantung Army. I myself regarded the spraying of bacteria from aircraft as the most
               effective method, since it made it possible to infect larger areas.

                  Question:  What  type  of  aircraft  had  been  chosen  for  the  employment  of  bacteriological

                  Answer: In peacetime, Detachment 731 had several special aeroplanes at its disposal. In
               wartime, if it were necessary, the aircraft of any air unit could have been used after they had
               been equipped with the necessary appliances.

                  Question: In what concrete way did you as Commander-inChief take part in directing the
               preparations for conducting bacteriological warfare?

                  Answer:  I  have  already  stated  that  all  the  methods  of  employing  the  bacteriological
               weapons at the disposal of the Kwantung Army had been examined and sanctioned by the
               Japanese  General  Staff  before  I  was  appointed  to  the  post  of  Commander-in-Chief.  These
               methods remained in force while I was in command. Furthermore, through the divisions and
               administrations  under  my  command,  and  in  conformity  with  the  orders  of  the  Japanese
               Ministry  for  War  and  General  Staff,  I,  as  Commander-in-Chief,  exercised  direction  of  the
               activities  of  bacteriological  detachments  731  and  100  in  devising  and  producing
               bacteriological weapons. My function as Commander-in-Chief also included the exercise of
               tactical direction of the employment of means of bacteriological warfare in wartime. In this
               respect, it would have been my function in the event of war to determine what formations
               were to employ bacteriological weapons, and in what direction.

                  For the purpose of carrying out a bacteriological attack commanders of fronts and separate
               armies were to have had at their disposal special bacteriological detachments which were to
               have been formed on the basis of detachments 731 and 100 and their branches. . . .

                  .  .  .  Question:  What,  concretely,  did  you  do  to  increase  the  output  of  bacteriological
               weapons in conformity with the instructions of the Ministry for War?

                  Answer:  As  I  have  stated  already,  in  conformity  with  the  orders  issued  by  the  Deputy
               Minister for War, I sanctioned the increase in the output of bacteriological weapons within
               the limits of the orders received from the Ministry for War. I do not remember, however, how
               much the output was increased. . . .

                  . . . Question: From whom was the decision to employ bacteriological weapons to have

                  Answer: The order to employ bacteriological weapons was to have come from the Imperial
               Headquarters.. ..


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