Page 68 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 68


                   Military Prosecutor, Member of the staff

                   Lieutenant Colonel of the Office of the Ministry

                 of Jurisprudence BAZENKO for Internal Affairs

                                                       for the Khabarovsk Territory, Captain GOIKHMAN

                                                                                    Interpreter TSVIROV


                               OF YAMADA OTOZOO

               December 1 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  . . . Question: Why was the production of bacteriological weapons activized in 1945?

                  Answer:  The  production  of  bacteriological  weapons  by  detachments  731  and  100  was
               activized  at  that  time  because  the  preparatory  period  of  the  most  effective  bacteriological
               weapons that had been tested had ended. I have in mind the employment of the Ishii bacteria
               bomb,  the  spraying  of  plague-infected  fleas  from  aircraft,  and  methods  of  bacteriological
               sabotage  on  land,  about  which  I  had  learned  from  the  reports  of  Generals  Kitano  and
               Takahashi, and from other persons.

                  In  1945,  when  all  the  preparatory  work  in  perfecting  the  most  effective  means  of
               employing bacteriological weapons had been successfuly completed, the period set in of the
               mass production of bacteriological weapons for the purpose of their practical employment in
               any direction, as soon as the order to do so was received from the Imperial Headquarters. In
               view of the aforesaid, and in conformity with the orders of the Japanese Deputy Minister for
               War,  I,  in  the  spring  of  1945,  ordered  detachments  731  and  100  to  increase  the  mass
               production  of  bacteriological  weapons  and,  accordingly,  to  increase  and  improve  the
               equipment  of  Detachment  731  and  to  provide  it  with  the  necessary  number  of  additional

                  Furthermore, I think that the increase in the production of bacteriological weapons in 1945
               was due to the worsening of the war situation in the different theatres of military operations.
               This, however, is my own personal opinion, as I did not receive any official information on
               this question.

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