Page 69 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 69

Question: Precisely, when did the Kwantung Army Headquarters receive the order from
               the Japanese Deputy Minister for War to increase the production of bacteriological weapons?

                  Answer: As far as I remember, that order was received in March 1945. . . .

                  .  .  .  Question:  What  changes  took  place  during  the  period  you  occupied  the  post  of
               Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army in devising means and methods of employing
               bacteriological weapons?

                  Answer: As I have said already, the chief methods of employing bacteriological weapons
               had been put into commission in the Kwantung Army and sanctioned by the Japnese General
               Staff before I took up the post of Commanderin-Chief, and in this respect, no changes took
               place while I was in Command. I, too, approved these methods and they remained in force.
               While I was in the Kwantung Army, however, work was conducted to improve the methods
               of employing one or another type of bacteriological weapon. This work was conducted by
               Detachment 731 and by Detachment 100. In particular, while I was in command, the method
               of  using  plague-infected  fleas  by  spraying  them  from  aircraft  with  the  aid  of  special
               appliances and by dropping bombs was finally perfected. Concerning this method, General
               Kitano submitted a special report to me.

                  Question: What decision did you adopt on Ishii's report on the bacteria bomb?

                  Answer: The decision on Ishii's report on the employment of special bacteria bombs was
               taken by my predecessor, General Umezu. After reading Ishii's report I, too, approved this
               method. No further special sanction on this question was required.

                  ... In October or November 1944, General Kitano submitted to me a detailed report on the
               results  of  experiments  in  employing  plague-infected  fleas  as  a  means  of  bacteriological
               warfare. Kitano's report was accompanied by a special cinema film brought from Detachment
               731, and also by maps showing the places where experiments had been made in spraying
               plague-infected  fleas  from  aircraft.  Kitano's  report  generalized  all  the  experiments  and
               researches that had been made in this direction and summed up all the work. While reporting,
               he exhibited various tables demonstrating the results of the researches and tests in infecting
               territory with plague germs. Being of the opinion that the plagueinfected flea method was
               extremely effective, I approved Kitano's report and the method of employing bacteriological
               weapons that he proposed.

                  The results of the experiments in using plague-infected fleas were communicated to the
               Imperial Headquarters direct by the commander of Detachment 731 and did not go through
               the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

                  Question: Previously you stated that all decisions on questions concerning devising and
               producing  bacteriological  weapons  were  endorsed  by  the  Commander-in-Chief  after  these
               questions had been examined by a temporary commission, and that they were submitted to
               the General Staff and the Japanese Ministry for War by the Kwantung Army Headquarters.
               Which is the correct version?

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