Page 64 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 64

cadres of medical men who were afterwards distributed among all the detachment's divisions,
               including those which devised and manufactured bacteriological weapons.

                  The Materials Division supplied the necessary materials and medical supplies needed by
               Detachment 731.

                  When  General  Kitano  finished  his  report  I  proceeded  to  inspect  the  detachment.  It  is
               difficult for me now to recall what I saw in each division separately; I can describe what I
               saw  only  in  general  outline,  without  saying  definitely  which  division  carried  out  any
               particular  process  of  the  detachment's  work.  Nevertheless,  I  distinctly  remember  that  I
               learned the character of the work carried on by all the most important of the detachment's
               divisions. In one division (production, I think) I saw the process of breeding bacteria in large
               quantities. That division had high-capacity equipment—boilers and other apparatus necessary
               for the mass production of bacteriological weapons.

                  In  other  premises  I  saw  special  boxes  containing  a  vast  quantity  of  live  fleas.  I  was
               informed that these fleas were to be infected with plague, after which they could be used as
               carriers of plague epidemics. What I saw in other premises I cannot now recall.

                  After I had inspected the detachment's chief premises, I, and the officers who accompanied
               me, went up into the detachment's tower, from which I viewed the aerodrome, concerning
               which I gave detailed evidence at the previous interrogation.

                  After  I  had  fully  inspected  the  detachment's  work  and  had  gained  an  impression  of  the
               character of its activities, I was extremely amazed at the scale on which the research work
               was  conducted  and  at  the  detachment's  colossal  potentialities  for  manufacturing
               bacteriological weapons.



                 Military Prosecutor, Members of the staff

                 Lieutenant Colonel of the Office of the Ministry

                 of Jurisprudence BAZENKO for Internal Affairs

                                                                            for the Khabarovsk Territory,

                                                                               Senior Lieutenant BRAV&

                                                                          Senior Lieutenant GDIKHMAN

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