Page 50 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 50

the fact that the command of the detachment cancelled the experiments, for reasons unknown
               to me, I flew back to the detachment's headquarters next day.

                  As regards the charge that on my initiative Major General of the Medical Service Sato,
               Chief  of  the  Medical  Service  of  the  5th  Army,  issued  an  order  obliging  commanders  of
               military  units  and  hospital  chiefs  to  organize  the  catching  of  rats  and  mice  to  be  sent  to
               Branch 643, I plead not guilty to this, for I never made such a request to General Sato.

                  Question: For what purpose did Detachment 731 manufacture bacteriological weapons?

                  Answer: Detachment 731 manufactured bacteriological weapons on a mass scale for the
               purpose  of  using  them  in  war,  but  against  which  enemies  of  Japan  these  weapons  were
               intended to be used, I do not know. . . .

                  Question: Were Branch 643, its equipment, and the work it engaged in, military secrets?

                  Answer: In my opinion, the branch as such, its equipment and the work it engaged in were
               not military secrets.

                  Question: Do you assert, then, that the breeding of fleas and rodents was not a military

                  Answer: No, that is not so. The breeding of fleas by the branch was kept secret; as regards
               the breeding of rodents, in my opinion it was not a secret.

                  Question: Do you wish to add anything to your testimony?

                  Answer: I have nothing to add to my testimony.

                  This record of my statements, read to me by interpreter Guryanov in Japanese is correct,
               which I certify.


                 Military Prosecutor^ Member of the stai.

                 Lieutenant Colonel of the Office of the Ministry

                 of Jurisprudence BUSHUYEV for Internal Affairs

                                                        for the Khabarovsk Territory* Major FURSENKO

                                                                                Interpreter GUR YANOV

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