Page 49 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 49

Lieutenant Colonel of the Office of the Ministry

                 of Jurisprudence BUSLOVICH for Internal Affairs

                                                for the Khabarovsk Territory,Lieutenant Colonel IVANOV

                                                                                Interpreter PAKHOMOV

                    RECORD OF INTERROGATION
                    OF ACCUSED ONOUE MASAO

               December 6, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  Interrogation conducted through interpreter Guryanov, who was warned of his liability to
               prosecution for deliberately false interpretation under Art. 95 of the Criminal Code of the

                                                                                     Signed: GURYANOV

                  Question: In the order of December 5, 1949 you are charged under Art. 1 of the Decree of
               the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. of April 19, 1943. Do you understand
               what you are charged with and do you plead guilty to the charge?

                  Answer: I understand the nature of the charge brought against me. I plead guilty to the fact
               that  Branch  643,  of  which  I  was  in  charge,  trained  cadres  of  bacteriologist  laboratory
               assistants; during the period I was in charge of the branch 160 were trained. The branch also
               engaged  in  breeding  and  catching  rodents  (guinea  pigs,  white  rats  and  mice  and  rabbits)
               which  were  sent  to  headquarters  of  Detachment  731,  where  they  were  used  for  making
               bacteriological  weapons  and  for  experiments  in  the  study  of  "songo"  fever.  Furthermore,
               Branch 643 engaged in breeding fleas, which were also sent to Detachment 731 where, after
               being infected with plague germs, they served as one of the types of bacteriological weapons.
               The lst Section of the branch engaged in research on grey rats for the purpose of devising the
               most  effective  means  of  breeding  plague-infected  fleas,  but  no  favourable  results  were
               achieved and, consequently, all further research was conducted only on white rats and mice.
               By order of Lieutenant General of the Medical Service Ishii, Chief of Detachment 731, on
               August  13,  1945,  I  destroyed  by  fire  Branch  643  with  all  its  materials,  equipment  and
               documents, except for the code and 20-25 grams of fleas, which I sent to the headquarters of
               Detachment 731. What the command of Detachment 731 had in view in ordering the branch
               to be destroyed by fire, I do not know. I knew that Detachment 731 engaged in devising and
               manufacturing  large  quantities  of  means  of  bacteriological  warfare,  such  as  the  germs  of
               plague,  anthrax  and  other  lethal  bacteria,  which  were  tested  on  living  people,  for  which
               purpose  the  detachment  had  an  inner  prison  and  a  proving  ground  where  the  experiments
               were performed. In the spring of 1944, I, together with the Chief of the General Division of
               Detachment 731, travelled by aeroplane to the proving ground where experiments were to
               have been made in practically testing bacteriological weapons on living people; but owing to

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