Page 48 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 48

In  the  same  year,  on  the  orders  of  former  Chief  of  the  Detachment,  Kitano  Masazo,  I
               myself visited the detachment's branches in Sunyu, Hailar, Hailin and Linkow for the purpose
               of  investigating  on  the  spot  the  possibility  of  installing  at  these  branches  equipment  for
               cultivating bacteria on a mass scale. In briefing me before my departure on this tour, General
               Kitano told me that it was necessary to organize the production of bacteria at the branches,
               firstly, in order to increase bacteria output capacity, and secondly, to prevent the stoppage of
               bacteria production in the event of the detachment's equipment being put out of action by
               enemy aircraft.

                  As a result of my report, in the same year equipment was sent to the detachment's branches
               in Sunyu, Hailin, and Linkow, but what kind of equipment I do not know, nor do I know
               whether the equipment was installed.

                  As a bacteriologist physician and a specialist in the cultivation of bacteria, I attended the
               conferences of the officers and scientific personnel that were convened in the detachment,
               and at these conferences I reported on methods of cultivating bacteria on a mass scale and of
               employing already utilized media.

                  For the purpose of improving the qualifications of the personnel under my command, I
               conducted classes, and in the beginning of 1940 I was a lecturer on bacteriology at courses
               organized for new civilian employees who joined the detachment.

                  Question: What do you wish to add to your testimony?

                  Answer:  I  fully  realize  that  Detachment  731  was  a  criminal  organization  which
               manufactured means for exterminating human  beings by barbarous methods prohibited by
               international rules.

                  Serving in the detachment, I was a participant in these criminal activities and committed a
               crime against humanity, for which I must pay the penalty.

                  Realizing  this,  I  have  tried  from  the  very  beginning  of  the  investigation  earnestly  and
               objectively to reveal the detachment's criminal activities and the part I myself played in them.

                  I have nothing further to add to my testimony, as in the course of the investigation I have
               related all the facts known to me about the detachment's criminal activities.

                  This record of my statements is correct. The Russian text of the record was read to me in



                 Military Prosecutor, Member of the staff

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