Page 51 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 51

                    OF ACCUSED SATO SHUNJI

               December 6, 1949 City of Khabarovik

                  The interrogation is conducted through interpreter K o r n i 1 o v, who was warned of his
               liability to prosecution under Art. 95 of the Criminal Code of the R.S.F.S.R.

                                                                                         Signed: Kornilov

                  Question: By the order of December 5, 1949, you are charged under Art. 1 of the Decree of
               the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. of April 19, 1943. Do you understand
               the points of the charge, and do you plead guilty to the charge?

                  Answer: The points of the charge brought against me are clear. I fully plead guilty to the
               charges  brought  against  me  under  Art.  1  of  the  Decree  of  the  Presidium  of  the  Supreme
               Soviet of the U.S.S.R. of April 19, 1943. My guilt lies in that I did, indeed, from December
               1941 to February 1943, direct the activities of the Canton Detachment Nami 8604 and from
               February 1943 to March 1944, I also directed the activities of the Nanking Detachment Ei
               1644.  Both  these  detachments  engaged  in  devising  and  producing  on  a  mass  scale  lethal
               bacteria to be used as weapons against the Chinese forces and civilian population. . . . The
               Nanking Detachment Ei 1644, jointly with Bacteriological Detachment 731 of the Japanese
               Kwantung Army, took a direct part in employing bacteriological weapons against the Chinese
               forces and local inhabitants during the military operations of the Japanese troops. . . .

                  As  Chief  of  Detachment  Ei  1644,  I  directed  the  detachment's  work  in  devising
               bacteriological weapons and producing them on a mass scale. For this purpose, the Nanking
               Detachment  Ei  1644  was  supplied  with  high-capacity  equipment  and  with  bacteriological
               experts and it produced lethal bacteria on a mass scale. It is true that under my direction, the
               Training  Division  of  the  Nanking  Detachment  Ei  1644  every  year  trained  about  300
               bacteriologists  with  the  object  of  employing  them  in  bacteriological  warfare.  From  March
               1944 onwards, as Chief of the Medical Service of the 5th Army of the Japanese Kwantung
               Army, I rendered Branch 643 of Detachment 731 active assistance and support in increasing
               the output of bacteriological material.

                  With this object, in May 1945 I issued a special order to the units of the 5th Army to catch
               rodents, which were needed for the production of bacteriological weapons, and to send them
               to Branch 643 of Detachment 731.

                  Question:  Precise  your  testimony  as  regards  the  output  capacity  of  the  Nanking
               Detachment Ei 1644 and its technical equipment.

                  Answer: The output capacity of the Nanking Detachment Ei 1644 for the production of
               lethal  bacteria  was  up  to  10  kilograms  per  production  cycle.  To  produce  this  quantity  of
               bacteria,  Detachment  Ei  1644  had  the  following  equipment:  Ishii  cultivators,  about  200;

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