Page 54 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 54

Mission, Lieutenant Colonel Amano, who, as I had learned from Major General Wakamatsu,
               was  aware  of  the  assignments  my  group  had  received.  I  know  that  in  his  report  to  the
               Kwantung  Army  Headquarters,  Lieutenant  Colonel  Amano  commended  the  work  we  had

                  Simultaneously  with  the  afore-mentioned  work,  I,  on  the  orders  of  Major  General
               Wakamatsu,  in  the  summer  of  1945  purchased  from  the  inhabitants  of  North  Khingan
               Province 500 sheep, 100 head of cattle and 90 horses with the 80,000 yen which had been
               assigned for this purpose.

                  I knew from what Major General Wakamatsu had told me that in the event of war against
               the Soviet Union, the cattle were to be infected with anthrax and glanders and the sheep with
               sheep plague and, for sabotage purposes, left in the rear of the Soviet troops in order to cause
               outbreaks of severe infectious diseases. I knew that for this purpose the necessary quantities
               of the afore-mentioned germs were to be carried by aircraft to the places where the cattle I
               had bought would be, and the cattle were to be infected by sabotage groups formed for the

                  I also plead guilty to the fact that while I was in North Khingan Province, I, on the orders
               of  Major  General  Wakamatsu,  purchased  cattle  (10  calves)  to  be  used  for  experiments
               conducted early in the spring of 1945 in the region of the river South Khan-gol. I learned
               from  Major  Yamaguchi,  who  took  part  in  these  experiments,  that  during  the  experiments
               called "winter manoeuvres," tests were made of the action of cattle-plague and sheep-plague
               germs  under  winter  conditions  by  spraying  these  germs  on  the  snow  and  on  cattle  feed
               scattered on the snow. These experiments were made under conditions similar to those under
               which bacteriological sabotage against the Mongolian People's Republic was to be conducted,
               for it is known that, in Mongolia, cattle gain their food in the winter time by grazing.

                  In addition to this, in the summer of 1943, with the object of ascertaining the amount of
               poison that was needed  to  kill  horses  (with  potassium  cyanide,  strychnine,  etc.),  I,  on  the
               orders of Chief of the 2nd Division, Hasaka, experimented on 40-50 horses from units of the
               Kwantung Army. As a result of these experiments, ten horses died. I did not know for what
               purpose  these  experiments  were  made,  but  I  presume  thaf  methods  were  being  sought  of
               using poisons for sabotage purposes.

                  I have nothing more to say on the case, the record of my statements is correct and was read
               to me in Japanese, which I hereby certify.



                 Military Prosecutor, Member of the staff

                 Major of Jurisprudence BOGOD of the Office of the Ministry

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