Page 84 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 84


                 Military Prosecutor; Member of the staff

                 Captain of Jurisprudence BELYUGA of the Office of the Ministry

                                                                                      for Internal Affairs

                                                                            for the Khabarovsk Territory.

                                                                               Senior Lieutenant BRAVE

                                                                              Interpreter PL YACHENKO

                            OF HIRAZAKURA ZENSAKU

               October 21 i'1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  Question: What do you know about Detachment 100 of the Kwantung Army?

                  Answer:  Detachment  100  was  the  secret  name  of  the  veterinary-bacteriological
               experimental  detachment  of  the  Kwantung  Army.  This  detachment  was  formed  by  the
               Kwantung Army Headquarters, but when, I cannot say. Detachment 100 carried out all its
               work under the immediate guidance of Lieutenant General Takahashi Takaatsu, Chief of the
               Veterinary Service of the Kwantung Army. The headquarters and main part of the personnel
               of  the  given  detachment  were  stationed  in  the  city  of  Changchun,  in  the  vicinity  of  the
               Chinese  settlement  of  Menchiangtung  and  its  branches  were  located  in  the  towns  of
               Kiamusze, Kokuzan and Dairen. As a bacteriological experimental detachment, Detachment
               100  was  staffed  with  researchers—bacteriologists,  chemists  and  veterinaries,  who  were
               completely occupied in developing various types of germs and strong poisons; research was
               conducted on methods for the wholesale poisoning of both people and animals with these
               poisons. For this purpose the personnel of this detachment conducted experiments on animals
               and human beings. All the work of Detachment 100 and its branches was aimed at preparing
               for bacteriological warfare and sabotage against the Soviet Union. Detachment 100 consisted
               of four divisions, chief of them being the 2nd Division, which up to 1943 in turn consisted of
               five sections.

                  In  December  1943,  at  a  joint  conference  of  senior  personnel  of  Detachment  100  and
               representatives of the Kwantung Army Headquarters attended by: Major General Wakamatsu
               Yujiro,  the  Chief  of  Detachment  100,  his  deputies,  Lieutenant  Colonel  Hosaka  Koremichi
               and  Major  Yamaguchi  Bunji,  engineer  Ida  Kiyoshi,  and  Lieutenant  General  Takahashi
               Takaatsu, Chief of the Veterinary Service of the Kwantung Army (the present whereabouts of
               the above-mentioned persons I do not know), a plan was elaborated for forming under the

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