Page 88 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 88

|  Answer:  Lieutenant  General  Kajitsuka,  Chief  of  the  Medical  Administration,  and
               Lieutenant General Takahashi Takaatsu, Chief of the Veterinary Administration, reported on
               the main phases of their work directly to Commanderin-Chief Yamada.

                  Question: How often dM Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army Yamada visit the
               Ishii Detachment?

                  Answer: I remember well that soon after his arrival in Manchuria, which was in July 1944,
               Commander-in-Chief  Yamada  visited  the  Ishii  Detachment  in  Harbin,  where  he  held  an
               inspection of the detachment, but upon his return to Changchun Yamada did not share the
               details of his inspection with anyone, and I know nothing about it.

                  Question: What do you know about the destruction of the laboratories of detachments 731
               and 100?

                  Answer: On August 9 or 10, 1945, in connection with the beginning of military operations,
               Commander-in-Chief  Yamada  took  a  decision  to  destroy  all  the  laboratories  and  valuable
               equipment for cultivating bacteria, to prevent these scientific laboratories from falling into the
               hands of the Soviet Army; Colonel Kusaji, my subordinate, drafted an order concerning the
               destruction of the above-mentioned detachments and about the evacuation of the personnel of
               these detachments to the city of Seoul (South Korea). On that same day the order was signed
               by Commander-in-Chief Yamada and was sent to the chiefs of detachments 731 and 100 for

                  The order of the Commander-in-Chief was the basis on which Lieutenant General Ishii and
               Major General Wakamatsu received the assistance of local sapper detachments to blow up
               and destroy the above-mentioned detachments.

                  Question: Was laboratory equipment of these bacteriological detachments also shipped to

                  Answer: I find it difficult to answer this question since the statements said nothing about
               this, all the more since no report about the results of the evacuation of these detachments to
               Korea was received at the Kwantung Army Headquarters. In all likelihood the most valuable
               bacteriological equipment of detachments 731 and 100 was shipped to South Korea.

                  Taken  down  correctly  from  my  words,  the  record  has  been  read  to  me  in  Japanese,  in
               confirmation of which I affix my signature.



                 Member of the staff

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