Page 89 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 89

of the Office of the Ministry

                 for Internal Affairs

                 for the Khabarovsk Territory,

                 Senior Lieutenant KORSA KOV Interpreter PAKHOMOV

                        RECORD OF INTERROGATION

               November 16, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  Witness Matsumura was warned of the penalty for giving false testimony under Art. 95 of
               the Criminal Code of the R.S.F.S.R.

                                                                                       Signed: Matsumura

                  The interrogation is conducted through interpreter Plyachenko, P. P., who was warned of
               his liability to prosecution for deliberately false interpretation under Art. 95 of the Criminal
               Code of the R.S.F.S.R.

                                                                                       Signed: Plyachenko

                  Question: When was Detachment 731 formed?

                  Answer: The detachment headed by General Ishii was formed approximately in 1934 and
               was stationed in Harbin.

                  Question:  For  what  reasons  was  Detachment  731  formed  precisely  on  the  territory  of

                  Answer:  Detachment  731,  being  a  big  bacteriological  works  for  research  in,  and  the
               preparation of, bacteriological weapons, was formed on the territory of Manchuria because of
               strategic considerations, since Japan was preparing for war with the Soviet Union and the
               entire  activity  of  this  detachment  resolved  itself  into  preparing  for  bacteriological  warfare
               against  the  U.S.S.R.  Secondly,  the  expenditures  J  involved  in  the  formation  of  this
               detachment  and  with  its  j  researches  in  evolving  bacteriological  weapons  came  under  the
               general extraordinary war budget of the Kwantung Army; special reports on this budget did
               not have to be rendered to parliament, which made it possible to maintain the detachment's
               activity in secrecy from persons sitting in parliament and not versed in military matters.

                  Question: What organizational measures did Detachment 731 carry out in preparing for
               bacteriological warfare against the Soviet Union?

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