Page 91 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 91

Answer: It was intended to use germs in a war against the U.S.S.R. by dropping bombs
               charged with germs and by spraying germs from aircraft. I did not know of other methods of
               employing bacteriological weapons in a war against the U.S.S.R.

                  Question: How did supervision of the activity of Detachment 731 by the Kwantung Army
               Headquarters express itself?

                  Answer: At the interrogation on October 27, 1949, I testified that Detachment 731, headed
               by Lieutenant General Ishii, was a detachment directly subordinated to the Commander of the
               Kwantung Army, and that this detachment conducted all its work under the direct supervision
               of the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

                  Commander-in-Chief  Umezu,  and  then,  beginning  with  July  1944,  Yamada  Otozoo,
               supervised  the  activity  of  Detachment  731  on  strategical  matters  through  the  Operations
               Division, which I headed, and on scientific and technical matters through General Kajitsuka
               Ryuji, Chief of the Medical Division of the Kwantung Army Headquarters, who had charge
               of scientific and technical research in the sphere of bacteriology, the training ftf cadres of
               bacteriologists, and also the antiepidemic service and water supply.

                  Question: On what matters did the Operations Division which you headed supervise the

                  Answer:  The  Operations  Division  of  the  Kwantung  Army  Headquarters  supervised
               Detachment 731 on matters pertaining to the development and preparation of bacteriological

                  Question: What reports on the activity of Detachment 731 addressed to the Commander-in-
               Chief were received and what decisions did he take on these reports?

               j Answer: As far as I can now recall, two such reports addressed to the Commander-in-Chief
               of  the  Kwantung  Army  were  received.  The  first  report  from  Detachment  Chief  Ishii—on
               methods of dropping germs from aircraft by spraying from special receptacles—was received
               *in the second half of 1943.

                  The  Commander-in-Chief—at  that  time  General  Umezu  Yoshijiro—after  acquainting
               himself with the methods advanced by General Ishii in this report, declared them to be of
               little effect, pointing out that with such a method of employing bacteriological weapons we
               would suffer big losses both in man power and in materiel, inasmuch as we would not be able
               to protect our troops from infection. Through Army Chief of Staff Kasahara, Commander-in-
               Chief  Umezu  ordered  Detachment  Chief  Ishii  to  work  out  a  different  and  more  effective
               method of employing bacteriological weapons.

                  About a year later a report on new methods of employing bacteriological weapons was
               submitted  to  the  Commanderin-Chief.  In  this  report  Lieutenant  General  Ishii  expounded  a
               method of employing bacteriological weapons by dropping special porcelain bombs charged
               with epidemic germs. Commander-in-Chief Umezu made no remarks concerning the report
               and kept this document in his own possession until he left the post of Commander-in-Chief,

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