Page 90 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 90

Answer:  The  preparations  for  bacteriological  warfare  against  the  Soviet  Union  were
               expressed in the fact that Detachment 731 studied methods of employing the germs of plague,
               anthrax, cholera, typhoid and other diseases; for this purpose Detachment 731 had special
               institutions where experiments were conducted and germs were cultivated. Detachment 731
               also  had  branches,  about  which  I  testified  on  October  27,  1949.  What  the  branches  of
               Detachment 731 engaged in is unknown to me.

                  Question: What category of persons were used as experimentees?

                  Answer:  From  the  words  of  Colonel  Tamura  I  know  that  Detachment  731  conducted
               experiments  on  living  people  from  among  soldiers  and  partisans  of  the  Chinese  People's
               Revolutionary Army.

                  Question:  How  do  you  know  that  the  Ishii  Detachment  conducted  research  in  the
               development and preparation of germs?

                  Answer:  In  August  1943,  while  taking  over  from  the  former  Chief  of  the  Operations
               Division of the Kwantung Army Headquarters, Major General Tamura Yoshitomi, I learned
               from  him  that  the  Ishii  Detachment  conducted  research  in  developing  bacteriological
               weapons and methods of employing them. In the summer of 1944, I do not remember the
               exact  month,  a  report  made  by  my  subordinate,  staff  officer  Lieutenant  Colonel  Miyata,
               whom at the order of Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Kasahara Yukio I personally had sent
               to the Ishii Detachment to check upon the state of the production of special bombs charged
               with  epidemic  germs,  fully  convinced  me  that  Detachment  731  occupied  itself  with  these
               matters.  Besides  this,  I  knew  about  the  manufacture  of  bacteriological  weapons  in
               Detachment 731 from the reports that came in addressed to the Commanderin-Chief of the
               Kwantung Army, about which reports I shall speak later.

                  Question:  Could  Detachment  731,  as  it  was  in  1945,  supply  the  Kwantung  Army  with
               sufficient bacteriological weapons? •

                  Answer: On the basis of materials submitted to the Operations Division of the Kwantung
               Army Headquarters, and the report by Lieutenant Colonel Miyata, in 1945 Detachment 731
               was able to produce a mass quantity of various epidemic germs sufficient for employment as
               bacteriological weapons. By that time intensive work was being carried out to develop special
               bombs as the most effective method of employing bacteriological weapons.

                  Question: Did you, in your strategical plans, provide for the employment of bacteriological
               weapons in a war against the Soviet Union?

                  Answer:  In  drawing  up  the  operations  and  strategical  plans,  the  employment  of
               bacteriological  weapons  was  not  provided  for,  but  in  the  event  instructions  came  from
               Imperial  Headquarters  to  use  bacteriological  weapons  in  a  war  against  the  U.S.S.R.,  the
               bacteriological weapons at hand would have been used, for the Ishii Detachment was ready
               for this.

                  Question: How, practically, was it intended to use germs in a war against the U.S.S.R.?

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