Page 87 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 87

Question: What do you know about the existence of bacteriological detachments on the
               territory of Manchuria?

                  Answer: I well know that two such detachments existed in the Kwantung Army, the first of
               which was named Detachment 731 and the second, Detachment 100.

                  Question:  To  what  degree  was  Detachment  731,  headed  by  Lieutenant  General  Ishii,
               subordinated to the Kwantung Army Headquarters?

                  Answer: Detachment 731, headed by Lieutenant Genera^ Ishii, was a detachment directly
               subordinate to the Command' er of the Kwantung Army, at first Umezu, and then Yamada,
               and the detachment conducted all its work under the direct guidance of the Kwantung Army

                  Question:  How  did  guidance  of  the  activity  of  this  detachment  by  the  Commander-in-
               Chief, General Yamada Otozoo, and the Kwantung Army Headquarters express itself?

                  Answer:  The  Commander-in-Chief  guided  the  activity  of  Detachment  731  through
               Lieutenant General Kajitsuka, Chief of the Medical Administration of the Kwantung Army,
               and hence the Kwantung Army Headquarters bore prime responsibility for this detachment's

                  Question: In what did the preparation carried out by Detachment 731 for bacteriological
               warfare against the U.S.S.R. express itself?

                  Answer: The preparation of bacteriological means of warfare expressed itself in the fact
               that Detachment 731 studied the employment of the germs of plague, cholera, typhoid and
               other  infectious  diseases;  for  this  purpose  the  detachment  had  special  institutions  where
               experiments were conducted and germs were cultivated.

                  Alongside  this,  Detachment  731  had  branches  in  Mutankiang,  Hailar,  Sunyu  and  loan,
               which also engaged in the breeding and testing of germs.

                  Question: What relation did you, as Chief of the Strategical Division and Deputy Chief of
               Staff of the Kwantung Army, have to Detachment 731?

                  Answer: My relation to Detachment 731 consisted in the preparation of passes to visit the
               detachment's territory for persons permitted to visit it. Permission to visit the detachment was
               granted  personally  by  Commander  Yamada.  In  immediate  charge  of  issuing  passes  to
               Detachment  731  was  Deputy  Chief  of  the  Strategical  Division,  which  I  headed,  Prince
               Takeda,  otherwise  known  as  Lieutenant  Colonel  Miyata.  The  persons  who  visited  the
               detachment returned the passes to Prince Takeda.

                  Question:  To  whom  did  the  chiefs  of  the  medical  and  veterinary  administrations  of  the
               Kwantung Army report on the most important phases of their work?

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