Page 85 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 85

2nd Division a sixth section, called the "bacteriological." This section was designated for the
               mass preparation of germs and their storage in special basement storehouses.

                  After  this  conference,  extensive  construction  work  was  indeed  launched  in  Detachment
               100 in accordance with the plan drawn up, that is, special one-storey buildings with basement
               storehouses were erected. The personnel of the detachment was increased.

                  Lieutenant General Takahashi Takaatsu, Chief of the Veterinary Service of the Kwantung
               Army,  frequently  visited  Detachment  100  to  give  guidance  on  the  spot  and  to  intensify
               control over fulfilment of the given plan.

                  In conversations with a narrow circle of the personnel, the Chief of Detachment 100, Major
               General  Wakamatsu,  repeatedly  said:  "In  the  event  of  war  between  Japan  and  the  Soviet
               Union, Detachment 100 must become a factory producing various germs and strong poisons
               on a mass scale for waging bacteriological warfare and sabotage against the Soviet Union."

                  And indeed, a large quantity of germs and chemical agents was prepared in the 6th Section.
               Several times I myself had occasion to visit the section's premises where germs and strong
               poisons were stored in special metal containers; on entering these storehouses strips of gauze
               impregnated  with  a  special  solution  were  placed  over  the  mouth  and  the  nose.  It  was
               permitted  to  touch  the  containers  only  with  rubber  gloves.  For  secrecy  purposes  these
               containers bore only numbers, written in paint, and had no other inscriptions. Research on
               forms  and  methods  of  carrying  out  sabotage  was  also  conducted  in  Detachment  100;  for
               instance, the question of employing aircraft for this purpose was worked out. . . .



                 Member of the staff

                 of the Office of the Ministry

                 for Internal Affairs

                 for the Khabarovsk Territory,

                 Senior Lieutenant NAZAROV Interpreter GERTSMAN

                        RECORD OF INTERROGATION

               October 27, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

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