Page 65 - Unit 731
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Kamo Unit renamed Manchuria Unit 731, Wakamatsu Unit renamed Manchuria Unit 100, Mudanjijang Unit becomes Manchuria Unit 643, Linkou Unit becomes Manchuria Unit 162, Sunwu changes to
                 Manchuria Unit 763, and Hailar renamed Manchuria Unit 543
               March 1941
               Shirō Ishii promoted to army surgeon major-general
               July 1941
               Kanto Army carries out large-scale military exercises with 700,000 soldiers in Manchuria
               4 November 1941
               Japanese Army initiates biochemical warfare in Changde, Huana by aerial drops of bacteria-infected 36 grams of siphonaptera, cloth, beans, wheat, grain, cotton, and other material. Plague breaks out in
                 Changde, Hunan
               5 May 1942
               Japanese Southern Area Army Unit 9420 set up in Singapore
               June–August 1942
               Japanese Army drops cholera, typhoid fever, and shigella bacteria by plane on Jinhua and Lanxi, Zhejiang, causing large number of Chinese civilian fatalities
               1 August 1942
               Shirō Ishii relocates to Northern Area Army as division head of Army Surgeon in the First Division. Masaji Kitano appointed Second Division head of Unit 731
               August 1942
               Japanese Army places cholera, typhoid fever, and shigella bacteria in wells, river water, and food in Yushan County, Jiangxi. Large numbers of Chinese villagers are reported dead
               February 1943
               Baitabao event occurs. Mukden Military Police Generals Zhoa Zongbo, Shi Shunchen, and Cui Bingzhang sent to Unit 731
               15 February 1943
               Kanto Army headquarters announce command no. 98 sending Unit 731 to Shenyang to start ‘disease prevention’ on British and American POWs
               12 March 1943
               Kanto Army headquarters announce command no. 120 ‘About Ultimatum of Special Transportation’ setting regulations of special transportation
               October 1943
               Dalian Heishijiao event: Dalian Military Police Generals Yaoxuan Wang, Xuenian Wang, Zhongshan Li, and Delong Shen specially transported to Unit 731
               1 January 1945
               Unit 731 announces ‘About Remaining behind List of Kanto Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department’
               1 March 1945
               Shirō Ishii becomes division head of Unit 731 again and is promoted to army surgeon lieutenant-general. Masaji Kitano relocates to Shanghai as the division head of Army Surgeons in ‘Chinese
                 Expeditionary Army (Shanghai) Thirteenth Army’
               9–14 August 1945
               Unit 731 destroys evidence of biochemical warfare and human experimentation, bombs headquarters, and sub-branch buildings and facilities
               15 August 1945
               Japan announces unconditional surrender
               9 September 9 1945
               Japan signs the instrument of surrender to China in Nanjing
               September–October 1945
               Lt-Col. Murray Sanders investigates Japanese biochemical warfare and finishes his report ‘Investigation Report on Japan Science Information’
               February 1946
               US investigator Lt-Col. Murray Sanders interrogates core members of Unit 731, including Shirō Ishii, Masaji Kitano, Kiyoshi Oda, and Naitō Ryoichi. US Army investigator Thompson finishes his ‘Report of
                 Japanese Biochemical Warfare Research and Preparation’
               25–29 December 1949
               Soviet Union establishes military court at Khabarovsk and tries twelve Japanese war criminals involved in biochemical warfare. The Khabarovsk Trials official record is published in Materials on the Trial of
                 Former Servicemen of the Japanese Army Charged with Manufacturing and Employing Bacteriological Weapons. The book is translated into Chinese, English, German, Japanese, Korean, and other
               June–July 1956
               The People’s Republic of China Supreme People’s Court Special Military Court puts forty-five Japanese war criminals on trial at Shenyang and Taiyuan, including the head of Linkou Division, Sakakibara
               15 November 1957
               Former member of Unit 731 Kaneda Yasushi and others start Unit 731 Companion Club ‘Fusatomo Kai’ (房友会) and publish international magazine Fusatomo
               Former members of Unit 731 establish ‘Seikon Tō’ (精魂塔) at Tama Cemetery, Tokyo. They also set up the Companion Club ‘Seikon Kai’ (精魂会)
               9 October 1959
               Shirō Ishii dies in Tokyo due to illness
               19 July–3 October 1981
               Japanese writer Seiichi Morimura publishes The Devil’s Gluttony in Akahata (赤旗)
               October 1981
               American journalist John William Powell publishes ‘A Hidden Chapter in History’ in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists revealing covert deal between Japan and the US
               November 1981
               The Devil’s Gluttony by Seiichi Morimura is published, revealing Japanese Army biochemical warfare and human experimentation. Translated into Chinese, English, Russian, and other languages, it receives
                 huge international response
               1 December 1982
               The Cultural and Artefact Management Office of Pingfang area in Harbin was established, which offers protection to the sites of Unit 371
               Site of Unit 731 registered as a Heilongjiang’s major historical and cultural site protected at the provincial level
               The Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture deletes mentions of Unit 731 in textbooks
               13 August 1985
               British independent television company broadcasts a documentary titled Unit 731: Did the Emperor Know?
               15 August 1985
               The Museum of War Crime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 officially opens to public
               The film Men Behind the Sun shows in movie theatres
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