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               Chapter 1
                 1. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs,, accessed on 21 June 2016.
                 2. United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs,, accessed on 21 June 2016.
                 3. Ji Xueren ed., Qinhua Rijun Duqizhan Shiliji (Examples of Poisonous Warfare by the Japan’s China Expeditionary Army) (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2008), p. 4.
                 4. Doc Title: ISHII, Dr. Shiro; Location: 290/12/25/04, RG#331, ENTRY#1331, Box1762, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 5. Doc Title: 441st CIC report on Shiro ISHII; Location; 270/84/16/05, RG#319, ENTRY#184B, Box549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 6. A written material, Guanyu Shijing Budui de Jie Shao (Introduction to the Ishii Unit), submitted to the US military by Masaji Kitano the Commander of the Unit 731 on 1 April 1947. The document is
                  now preserved at the National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 7. The School of Army Surgeon ed., Rikkun Kuni Gakkō Gojūnen Shi (50 Years of History of the School of Army Surgeon) (Tokyo: Fujishuppan, 1988), p. 184.
                 8. Miyatake Go, Shōgun no Igen: Endō Sanrō no Nikki (General’s Last Words: Diary of Endō Sanrō) (Tokyo: The Mainichi Newspaper Co., 1986), p. 77.
                 9. Han Xiao and Xin Peilin, Rijun Qisanyi Budui Zuieshi (Criminal History of the Unit 731 of the Japanese Military) (Harbin: Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House, 1991), pp. 12-13.
               10. Document reference no.: C-17, archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               11. Qianriben Lujun Junren Yinzhunbei he Shiyong Xijun Wuqi Beikongan Shenpan Cailiao (Trial Material of the Case that Former Japanese Army Prepared and Used Bacteriological Weapons), (Moscow:
                  Waiguo Wenshuji Chubanju, 1950), p. 107.
               12. Ibid., p. 256.
               13. Document no.: S11-10-42, Archive of Research Institute of Self-Defense of Japan, War Ministry.
               14. Ibid., Document no.: S1-3-40.
               15. Qianriben Lujun Junren Yinzhunbei he Shiyong Xijun Wuqi Beikongan Shenpan Cailiao (Trial Material of the Case that Former Japanese Army Prepared and Used Bacteriological Weapons), (Moscow:
                  Waiguo Wenshuji Chubanju, 1950), p. 165.
               16. Document Reference no.: C-121. Archive of the Exhibition Hall of Evidences of Crime Committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army.
               17. Qianriben Lujun Junren Yinzhunbei he Shiyong Xijun Wuqi Beikongan Shenpan Cailiao (Trial Material of the Case that Former Japanese Army Prepared and Used Bacteriological Weapons), (Moscow:
                  Waiguo Wenshuji Chubanju, 1950), pp. 204-206.
               18. Archive of the Relief and Record Divison, Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.
               19. Document reference no.: B17-3, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               20. Video document reference no.: A18-8, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               Chapter 2
                 1. Kenneth L. Port, Deciphering the History of Japanese War Atrocities: The Story of Doctor and General Shiro Ishii (Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2014), p. xii.
                 2. Doc. Title: 441st CIC report on Shiro ISHII; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, ENTRY#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 3. Kenneth L. Port, Deciphering the History of Japanese War Atrocities: The Story of Doctor and General Shiro Ishii (Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2014), xii, p. 52.
                 4. Shuli Ji, Shuyi (Plague) (Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House Co. Ltd, 2010), p. 2.
                 5. Ibid.
                 6. Fukiko Aoki, Shijingsilang ji xijunzhan budui jie mi (The Secrets of Shirō Ishii and Biological Warfare Force) (Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2010), p. 360.
                 7. Iwasaki Jirō, Bukka no sesō 100nen (100 Years of the situation of commodity prices). (Tokyo: Yomimura Shinbum Sha, 1982).
                 8. Qianriben lujunjunren yin zhunbei he shiyong xijunwuqi beikongan shenpancailiao (Material of trials for former Japanese Army Soldiers Who Prepared and Used Biological Weapon) (Moscow: Waiguo
                  wenshuji chubanju, 2005), p. 302.
                 9. Ibid., p. 397.
               10. Hisato Yoshimura, Memoir of My 77th Birthday, (Kyoto: Aotian Yinshua Co.,1984).
               11. Ichiro Kadowaki, ‘Kyoto Medical College and Unit 731 of Japanese Kwantung Army,’ Journal of Research Society for 15 Years War and Japanese Medical Science and Service 1 (2000): pp. 42-43.
               12. Document Reference no.: A-17. Archive of the Exhibition Hall of Evidences of Crime Committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army.
               13. Sheldon H. Harris, Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932–1945 and The American Cover-up, (Routlege: 1996), p. 263.
               14. Document reference no.: B-2, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               15. Document reference no.: E-21, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               16. Video document reference no.: B-3, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               17. Ibid.
               18. Sadao Koshi, Hinomaru ha akai namida ni (Bloody Tears on Hinomaru) (Japan: Kyoiku Shiryo Shuppankai, 1983), pp. 126-133.
               19. Video document reference no.: B-3, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               Chapter 3
                 1. Qianriben Lujun Junren Yinzhunbei he Shiyong Xijun Wuqi Beikongan Shenpan Cailiao (Trial Material of the Case that Former Japanese Army Prepared and Used Bacteriological Weapons), (Moscow:
                  Waiguo Wenshuji Chubanju, 1950), pp. 388-389.
                 2. Association of Returnees from China, Qinlue: zaihua riben zhanfan de zhengyan (Invasion: Narrative from Japanese Criminals in China) (China: Xintong Shushe, 2002), pp. 27-28.
                 3. Sadao Koshi, Hinomaru wa akai namida ni (Bloody Tears on Hinomaru) (Japan: Kyoiku Shiryo Shuppankai, 1983), pp. 32-34.
                 4. Document reference no. E-1, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
                 5. Ibid., Document reference no. F-6.
                 6. Ibid., Document reference no. F-5.
                 7. Document Reference no.: E-2. Archive of the Exhibition Hall of Evidences of Crime Committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army.
                 8. Ibid., Document Reference no.: E-3.
               Chapter 4
                 1. Qianriben Lujun Junren Yinzhunbei he Shiyong Xijun Wuqi Beikongan Shenpan Cailiao (Trial Material of the Case that Former Japanese Army Prepared and Used Bacteriological Weapons), (Moscow:
                  Waiguo Wenshuji Chubanju, 1950), p. 21.
                 2. Guo Sumei, Renxing de Minmie yu Fusu (Obliteration and Revival of Human Nature), read at the Seminar on Anti-invasion and Peace-keeping in Harbin in 1995.
                 3. Jin Chengmin, Ribenjun Xijunzhan (Bacteriological Warfare of the Japanese Military) (Harbin: Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House, 2008), p. 132.
                 4. Morimura Seiichi, Zu Binghe tran., Shiren Moku: Riben Guandongjun Xijunzhan Budui de Kongbu Neimu (Ogre’s Cave: Terrible Inside Story of the Bacteriological Warfare Unit from Japan’s
                  Kwantung Army) (Beijing: Qunzhong Chubanshe, 1984), pp. 65-66.
                 5. Han Xiao and Xin Peilin, Rijun Qisanyi Budui Zuieshi (Criminal History of Unit 731 of the Japanese Military) (Harbin: Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House, 1991), pp. 118-119.
                 6. Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese BW Activities; Location: 290/03/19/02, RG#175, ENTRY#67A4900, Box 196, National Archives II of USA.
                 7. Central Archives ed., Riben Diguozhuyi Qinhua Dangan Ziliao Xuanbian: Xijunzhan yu Duqizhan (Selected Archival Records of the Japanese Imperialist’s Invasion of China: Bacteriological Warfare
                  and Poisonous Gas Warfare) (Beijing: Zhonghua Book, 1989), p. 72.
                 8. ‘Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese BW Activities’; Location: 290/03/19/02, RG#175, ENTRY#67A4900, Box 196, National Archives II of USA.
                 9. Naval Aspects of Biological Warfare; Author: Inglis, RADM Thomas B.; Location: 190/25/17/07, RG#330, ENTRY#199, Box 103, National Archives II of USA.
               10. Report on Japanese Biological Warfare (BW) Activities; Location: 2910, RG#IWG Ref. Coll, National Archives II of USA.
               11. Matsumura Takao and Tanaka Akira ed., 15nen Senso Gokuhi Shiryōshū Dai 29 Shū Nanasanichi Butai Sakusei Shiryō (Material written by the Unit 731) (Tokyo: Fujishuppan, 1991), pp. 225-281.
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