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12. Study Group of Hygiene Research in Winter, Gokuhi Chūmōgun Tōki Eisei Kenkyū Seiseki (Tokyo: Gendai Shokan, 1941), p. 352.
               13. Ibid., p. 133.
               14. Ibid., pp. 165-166.
               15. Miyatake Go, Shōgun no Igen: Endō Sanrō no Nikki (General’s Last Words: Diary of Endō Sanrō) (Tokyo: The Mainichi Newspaper Co., 1986), p. 77.
               16. Matsumura Takao and Tanaka Akira ed., 15nen Senso Gokuhi Shiryōshū Dai 29 Shū Nanasanichi Butai Sakusei Shiryō (Material written by the Unit 731) (Tokyo: Fujishuppan, 1991), pp. 1-42.
               17. Ibid.
               18. Morimura Seiichi, Zu Binghe tran., Shiren Moku: Riben Guandongjun Xijunzhan Budui de Kongbu Neimu (Ogre’s Cave: Terrible Inside Story of the Bacteriological Warfare Unit from Japan’s
                  Kwantung Army) (Beijing: Qunzhong Chubanshe, 1984), pp. 108-109.
               19. Ibid., p. 109.
               20. War and Medicine, an exhibition panel brochure prepared by The Research Society for 15 Years’ War and Japanese Medical Science and Service, (Japan: Sanhuishe, 2006), p. 1.
               21. Shozo Azami, ‘The Medical Crime in the Fifteen Years’ War and Our Task Today’, Journal of Research Society for 15 years War and Japanese Medical Science and Service, vol.12, (Japan: Research
                  Society for 15 years War and Japanese Medical Science and Service, 2011), p. 27.
               22. Ibid.
               Chapter 5
                 1. NA, RG38, BOX2097: A report by Lt-Col. Arvo T. Thompson, V.C, Army Service Forces, Camp Detrick. Maryland. Report on Japanese Biological Warfare(BW) Activities May 31.1946.
                 2. Doc Title: Bacteriological Warfare; Location: 2910, RG#IWG Ref. Coll., Author: Masuda Tomosada. National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 3. Doc Title: Interrogation of Colonel Enryo HOJO; Location: 270/13/31/05, RG#319, ENTRY#85.
                 4. Doc Title: 441st CIC Report on Shiro Ishii; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 5. Doc Title: Summary Report on B.W. Investgations; Location: 290/03/19/03, RG#175, ENTRY#67A4900, Box 196, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 6. Qianriben Lujun Junren Yinzhunbei he Shiyong Xijun Wuqi Beikongan Shenpan Cailiao (Trial Material of the Case that Former Japanese Army Prepared and Used Bacteriological Weapons), (Moscow:
                  Waiguo Wenshuji Chubanju, 1950), p. 261.
                 7. Ibid., p. 69.
                 8. Ibid., p. 61.
                 9. No. 78 operation order issued by the Kanto Army Command kept at the Japanese National Archives of Official Documents.
               10. Central Archives ed., Riben Diguozhuyi Qinhua Dangan Ziliao Xuanbian: Xijunzhan yu Duqizhan (Selected Archival Records of the Japanese Imperialist’s Invasion of China: Bacteriological Warfare
                  and Poisonous Gas Warfare) (Beijing: Zhonghua Book, 1989), pp. 246-247.
               11. Chen Wengui, ‘Report on plague in Changteh, Human’, Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China,
                  (Beijing:1952 ) p. 195.
               12. Chen Zhiyuan, Liu Yi, ‘12 Cases of Oral History Investigation of Victims of Bacteriological Warfare in Changteh’, Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science, vol. NO. 2006-03-10, (Changteh:
                  Hunan University of Arts and Science, 2006).
               13. Document reference no. D-3, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               14. Document reference no. D-2, Archive of the International Center for Unit 731 Research.
               Chapter 6
                 1. Doc. Title: AFPAC, CIC Report on Ishii, Dr. Shiro; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 2. Doc. Title: Ishii, Dr. Shiro; Location: 290/12/25/04, RG#331, Entry#1331, Box 1762, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 3. Doc. Title: Lt-Gen. Ishii (Japanese Army Medical Corps); Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 4. Doc. Title: 441st CIC Investigation on Whereabouts of Lt. Gen Shiro Ishii; Location:270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 5. Ibid.
                 6. Doc. Title: GHQ, AFPAC Report on Whereabouts of Shiro Ishii; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549,National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 7. Doc. Title: GHQ, SCAP Letter to Central Liaison Office, Tokyo re Shiro Ishii; Location:270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 8. Doc. Title: Biological Warfare Activities. Cover Sheet Transmitting Report; Location:270/84/16/05, G#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
                 9. Doc. Title: 441st CIC Report Shiro Ishii has Failed to Report because He is Confined to Tokyo because of Illness; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA,
               10. Ibid.
               11. Ibid.
               12. Doc. Title: Report on Scientific Intelligence Survey in Japan, September and October 1945. Volume 5, BIOLOGICAL WARFARE; Location: 2910, RG# IWG Ref. Coll., From GHQ, AFPAC, Scientific
                  & Technical Advisory Sec; Author: Sanders, Murray & Young, Harry.
               13. Doc Title: ISHII, Dr. Shiro; Location: 290/12/25/04, RG#331, ENTRY#1331, Box 1762, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               14. Doc. Title: 441st CIC Report on Shiro Ishii; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               15. Ibid.
               16. Doc. Title: Message C 52423. USSR Witnesses Kawashima & Karasawa Confirm Japanese BW Human Experiments, which Ishii characterises as ‘Field Trials’, Ishii Agrees to Describe BW Programme
                  in Return for Immunity; Location: 290/24/02/03, RG#331, Entry#1901, Box 1, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               17. Doc. Title: 441st CIC Report on Shiro Ishii; Location: 270/84/16/05, RG#319, Entry#184B, Box 549, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               18. Doc. Title: Message W 98097. Replies to C52423 with 17 Questions on BW Field Experiments against Crops; Location: 290/24/02/03, RG#331, Entry#1901, Box 1, National Archives II of USA,
               19. Doc. Title: Brief Summary of New Information about Japanese BW Activities; Location: 290/03/19/02, RG#175, Entry#67A4900, Box196, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               20. Ibid.
               21. Doc. Title: Summary Report on B.W. Investigations; Location: 290/03/19/03, RG#175, Entry#67A4900, Box 217, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               22. Doc. Title: Enclosure to SWNCC 351/D; Location: 270/02/13/07, RG#153, Entry#145, Box 73, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               23. Doc. Title: Message W 94446. Instructions for prior US Interviews prior to any Russian Interrogations of Kikuchi, Ota, & Ishii; Location: 290/24/02/03, RG#331, Entry#1901, Box1, National Archives II
                  of USA, Maryland.
               24. Ibid.
               25. Doc. Title: Message C 52423. USSR Witnesses Kawashima & Karasawa Confirm Japanese BW Human Experiments, which Ishii characterises as ‘Field Trials’, Ishii Agrees to Describe BW Programme
                  in Return for Immunity; Location: 290/24/02/03, RG#331, Entry#1901, Box 1, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               26. Ibid.
               27. Doc. Title: Priority Action; War Crimes Branch, CAD; Location: 270/02/13/07, RG#153, Entry#145, Box 73, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               28. Doc. Title: Message C 53169 Reply to W 99277; Location: 290/24/02/03, RG#331, Entry#1901, Box 1, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               29. Doc. Title: Outgoing Classified Message; Location: 270/02/13/07, RG#153, Entry#145, Box 73, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               30. Doc. Title: Message C 53663; Location: 290/24/02/03, RG#331, Entry#1901, Box 1, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               31. Doc. Title: Outgoing Classified Message; Location: 270/02/13/07, RG#153, Entry#145, Box 73, National Archives II of USA, Maryland.
               32. Sheldon H. Harris, Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American cover-up (New York: Routledge, 1996), p. 302.
               33. Doc Title: Report on Scientific Intelligence Survey in Japan, September and October 1945. Volume 5, BIOLOGICAL WARFARE; Location: 2910, RG# IWG Ref. Coll. From GHQ, AFPAC, Scientific
                  & Technical Advisory Sec; Author: Sanders, Murray & Young, Harry.
                 1. Kenneth L. Port, Deciphering the History of Japanese War Atrocities: The Story of Doctor and General Shiro Ishii (Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, 2014), pp. ix.
                 2. Ecclesiastes 1:9.
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