Page 66 - Unit 731
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July 1989
               Human bones discovered on site of the Japanese Army Hospital. Research Group on Human Bones Found in Army Hospital formed in September
               September 1989
               ‘Selected Archival Documents on the Invasion of China by the Japanese Imperialists: Bacteriological and Poison Gas Warfare’ published by State Archives Administration
               December 1993
               Yoshimi Yoshiaki publishes the hand-written ‘Imoto Diary’ in Asahi Shimbun newspaper
               February 1995
               Organisation for the Investigation of Japan’s Leftover Biochemical Weapons created by Japanese grassroots citizens in Japan.
               31 July 1995
               Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Science and Japan-China Friendship Association organise seminar ‘Anti-aggression, Maintain Peace’ in Harbin. Exhibition tour of Unit 731 starts in Japan
               15 August 1995
               New wing of the Museum of War Crime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 officially opens to the public
               December 1995
               Grassroots organisation in China brings criminal charges against the Japanese government on behalf of victims of Japanese biochemical warfare. Members of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations
                 including Tsuchiya Kouken and Ichise Keiichirou arrive in Zhejiang, Hunan, and other places to investigate and collect evidence for use in legal action against Japanese government
               October 1997
               Chengmin Jin discovers records of ‘Special Transfer’ on in Heilongjiang Provincial Archives
               2 August 1999
               The Heilongjiang Provincial Government holds press conference to disclose the records of ‘Special Transfer’
               December 1999
               ‘Research Organisation of Unit 731 Site to be registered on UNESCO World Heritage Site’ established by a Japanese grassroots group. Unit 731 and poison gas exhibits combined into one, renamed ABC
                 Planning Commission (referring to atomic, biological, chemical)
               July 2000
               Harbin Academy of Social Science and Harbin TV visit Japan to conduct interviews with more than twenty former members of Unit 731
               28 April 2001
               Harbin Academy of Social Science sets up Unit 731 Research Center conducting research and exchange on Unit 731
               6 September 2001
               Jilin Provincial Archives organises press conference to announce discovery of records of ‘Special Transfer’
               18 September 2001
               Hunan University of Arts and Science establishes research centre to investigate Japanese bacterial warfare
               October–November 2001
               Leading Team on Protection and Development of Unit 731 Site and the Harbin Daily visit Japan for second round of field investigation
               27 August 2002
               Tokyo District Court of Japan concludes the Japanese Army used bacterial warfare on Chinese civilians, but refuses to pay compensation to Chinese victims affected by Japanese bacterial warfare
               7–9 December 2002
               Hunan University of Arts and Science holds ‘International Academic Conference of War Crimes on Bacterial Warfare’
               3 September 2005
               Harbin Academy of Social Science holds first international academic conference on Japanese bacterial and poison gas warfare at Harbin
               Unit 731 site listed as a Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
               18 October 2006
               Harbin Academy of Social Science cooperates with Korea Stele Forest and Korea Chungcheong University for second international academic conference on war crimes of Unit 731 at Cheongju, Korea
               18–19 November 2006
               Hunan College of Arts and Science and the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia hold ‘International Academic Conference on Japanese Bacterial Warfare’ at Changde, Hunan
               4–5 September 2007
               Harbin Academy of Social Science and Defense University of Mongolia hold ‘Lessons from History and Contemporary Society–Biochemical and Bacterial Weapons of WWII’ in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
               July 2008
               Heilongjiang Broadcasting Television films and broadcasts the documentary Immortal Memory
               18 September 2008
               Harbin Academy of Social Science and the Museum of War Crime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 hold fourth international academic conference on Unit 731 war crimes at Harbin
               Heilongjiang Broadcasting Television films the documentary Japanese Bacterial Warfare (episodes 1–8) and broadcasts on China Central Television (CCTV)
               October 2011
               A team of researchers from the Harbin Academy of Social Sciences conducted research at the National Archives and Records Administration and the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, where they
                 copied over 20,000 pages of newly declassified confidential documents pertaining to Unit 731. The team was invited to conduct seminars on Unit 731 and biochemical warfare by Imperial Japan at
                 Washington, DC, and Macalester College in Minnesota, USA
               Site of Unit 731 posted to the reserve list of world heritage sites in China
               27 February 2014
               Seventh meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress declares 3 September the anniversary of victories of Anti-Japanese War of the Chinese People and the World Anti-Fascist
                 War, and 13 December as National Memorial Day of the Nanjing Massacre Kenneth L. Port’s book, Deciphering the History of Japanese War Atrocities: The Story of Doctor and General Shiro Ishii
                 (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2014), unfolds the mysteries of life and work of Shirō Ishii, founder of Unit 731 and mastermind of biochemical warfare in Japan.
               15 August 2015
               Site of Unit 731 and new wing of the Museum of War Crime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 officially opens to public
               24 September 2015
               Harbin Academy of Social Science and the Museum of War Crime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 hold fifth international academic conference on Unit 731 war crimes in Harbin
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