Page 97 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 97

disposal were to be put soldiers who had gone through special training back in peacetime. In
               peacetime these soldiers were recruited from various units of the Japanese Army and sent to
               attend courses of study in detachments 731 and 100, where, together with medical training,
               they went through special training and acquired the necessary skill in bacteriology. The most
               loyal  soldiers  were  selected  for  these  courses,  but  the  technique  of  the  selection  I  do  not
               know. Upon completion of the courses, in peacetime they were sent either to the branches or
               else to prophylaxis and water supply detachments, in units and formations of the Japanese
               Army. In wartime they were to be used for employing the bacteriological weapon.

                  I do not know the total number of such cadres trained by detachments 731 and 100.

                  Question:  What  rules  and  instructions  existed  for  the  employment  of  bacteriological

                  Answer: There were no such instructions for general use. I think there were provisional
               instructions and rules which were worked out in detachments 731 and 100 and were used in
               training cadres. Who approved them I do not know. These questions did not come within my

                  Question:  Who  sent  out  a  special  group  of  Detachment  100  in  1944-45  to  carry  out
               bacteriological  reconnoitring  in  the  districts  of  North  Khingan  Province  bordering  on  the
               Soviet Union?

                  Answer:  In  my  presence,  in  1944  or  perhaps  in  1945,  Chief  of  the  Veterinary
               Administration Takahashi reported either to Commander of the Kwantung Army Yamada or
               to Chief of Staff Kasahara Yukio about the work of a group from Detachment 100 in districts
               of  North  Khingan  Province.  Takahashi  reported  that  Detachment  100  was  carrying  out
               reconnaissance  in  districts  of  North  Khingan  Province  to  determine  the  possibility  of
               employing bacteriological weapons in these districts to infect livestock, pastures and water
               sources.  I  remember  that  in  the  report  Takahashi  offered  his  suggestions  for  the  practical
               employment of germs. I recollect that he voiced suggestions about the necessity, in case of
               need, of infecting fodder and water sources in the vicinity of Hailar and the districts southeast
               of Lake Dalai-Nor.

                  In  the  Kwantung  Army  Headquarters,  the  work  of  Detachment  100  in  carrying  out
               sabotage  measures  was  supervised  by  the  Intelligence  Division  of  the  Kwantung  Army

                  Question: Did you ever make a report concerning employment of the Ishii bacteria bomb?

                  Answer:  Yes.  In  the  autumn  of  1944,  approximately  the  month  of  November,  at
               instructions from the Chief of Staff I made a report on the action of the Ishii bacteria bomb.

                  Ishii's written report on this question had reached headquarters before Yamada took up the
               post of Commanderin-Chief. Hence, when Yamada came I made an oral report at Kasahara's
               instructions. I made this report at headquarters. Present at the report were: Yamada, Kasahara,
               Assistant Chief of Staff Ikeda, and Miyata. On the basis of my report Yamada endorsed this

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