Page 99 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 99

Detachment 731 needed the rats to breed fleas designated for the spread of plague germs. I
               do not know the total number of rodents procured and delivered to Detachment 731.

                  Question: What called forth the need to appoint Ishii a second time to the post of Chief of
               Detachment 731, in 1945?

                  Answer: I do not remember exactly. I believe that this appointment of Ishii followed from
               the  War  Ministry's  instructions  to  increase  the  production  of  germs  and  activize  the
               preparations  for  bacteriological  warfare.  Hence  Ishii,  as  an  experienced  worker,  was
               reappointed to Detachment 731.

                  Question: What relation did Kajitsuka have to the work of Detachment 731 in developing
               and producing bacteriological weapons?

                  Answer:  As  far  as  I  know,  with  respect  to  the  preparation  of  bacteriological  weapons
               Kajitsuka exercised general supervision of research in developing the most effective methods
               of employing germs as a combat weapon.

                  I have already said that Kajitsuka took part in the conferences at which questions of the
               practical  employment  of  the  bacteriological  weapon  were  discussed,  and  hence  he  was
               undoubtedly posted on all this work. Kajitsuka was able to receive in the Operations Division
               all  the  information  interesting  him  in  his  field,  that  is,  connected  with  various  scientific
               problems, but actually there was no need for him to do this, since these questions, as a rule,
               were settled at special conferences in which I participated, and Kajitsuka simply had no need
               to  come  to  the  Operations  Division.  It  was  thus,  for  instance,  with  Kitano's  report  on  the
               employment of plague-infected fleas.

                  Question: What necessitated the destruction of detachments 731 and 100?

                  Answer:  The  order  to  destroy  detachments  731  and  100  was  issued  by  Commander-in-
               Chief  Yamada.  I  think  that  the  destruction  of  the  detachments  was  necessitated  by  the
               following reasons: firstly, all the equipment of these detachments was secret, and it could not
               be left to fall into the hands of the adversary's army. In addition, the very work conducted in
               the detachments was also secret, hence measures had to be taken to conceal evidence of this
               work,  or,  in  other  words,  to  obliterate  the  traces  of  the  work  which  the  detachments
               conducted in preparing bacteriological warfare and of the experiments on living people:

                  And, finally, the swift advance of units of the Soviet Army did not permit the complete
               evacuation of these detachments into the interior of Manchuria or to any other place.

                  Question:  What  were  the  reasons  why  the  Kwantung  Army  did  not  employ  the
               bacteriological weapon against the Soviet Union?

                  Answer:  I  regard  the  basic  reason  why  the  bacteriological  weapon  was  not  employed
               against the Soviet Union from the beginning of hostilities to be the swift advance of the units

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