Page 98 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 98

method as being highly effective.

                  Question:  Give  the  contents  of  the  report  Kitano  made  at  the  Kwantung  Army
               Headquarters on the employment of plague-infected fleas.

                  Answer: I do not remember exactly when this report was made; it was either at the end of
               1944 or the beginning of .1945. Kitano reported to Yamada upon the latest achievements in
               studying methods of employing plague-infected fleas as a combat weapon. I do not remember
               the details of this report. Present at this report were: Yamada, Kasahara, Chief of the Medical
               Administration Kajitsuka, myself, Miyata, Ikeda, and Kitano, who delivered the report.

                  After  Kitano's  report  a  special  film  about  experiments  in  spreading  infection  by  using
               plague fleas was demonstrated. However, I did not see the film, since I was called out to the
               Operations Division on business.

                  Question: What relation did staff officer Lieutenant Colonel Miyata (Prince Takeda) have
               to the work of Detachment 731?

                  Answer: Miyata was especially detailed from the Operations Division for liaison between
               the  Operations  Division  and  Detachment  731.  Besides,  other  staff  officers  were  also
               sometimes  sent  to  detachments  731  andJ00  so  as  to  keep  posted  on  the  work  of  these
               detachments and maintain contact with them. As a rule, through these persons various daily
               instructions were passed on and fulfilment of these instructions was controlled.

                  Question:  In  your  testimony  of  November  16,  1949,  you  said  that  it  was  from  General
               Tamura you heard that Detachment 731 had a prison in which prisoners were confined. State
               more explicitly where the above-mentioned Tamura worked.

                  Answer: About the prison in Detachment 731 and about the experiments carried out upon
               the inmates of this prison I heard from my predecessor, the former Chief of the Operations
               Division, Colonel Tamura Yoshitomi, who later became a general. I do not know exactly who
               gave the sanction for experiments on human beings, but I think that these experiments were
               first sanctioned by Commander-in-Chief Ueda, or by his successor Umezu. While Yamada
               was  Commander-in-Chief  these  experiments  were  also  carried  out,  and  Yamada  did  not
               revoke this previously-given sanction.

                  Question: By whom was the order to trap rodents and deliver them to Detachment 731

                  Answer: In 1945 practically all the land units of the Kwantung Army engaged in trapping
               rats and delivering them to Detachment 731. It follows quite naturally that this work was
               sanctioned by Commander-in-Chief Yamada, since without his permission the units could not
               have engaged in it.

                  The Chief of Staff could have given the instructions to the units in the Commander-in-
               Chief's name, but undoubtedly only with the permission of the Commander-in-Chief. How
               this permission was issued practically, I do not remember.

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