Page 101 - MaterialsTrial-JapaneseArmy-1950
P. 101


               December 8. 1949 City of Khabarovsk

                  Question to witness Matsumura: Tell us what you know about the reports made by the
               Chief  of  Detachment  731  to  the  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Kwantung  Army  at  which
               Kajitsuka was present.

                  Answer: At the end of 1944, the Chief of Detachment 731, Kitano, made a report in the
               office of the Commanderin-Chief of the Kwantung Army. Kitano reported on the methods of
               employing plague-infected fleas as a bacteriological weapon. Present during this report were:
               the Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army Yamada, Chief of Staff Kasahara Yukio, his
               deputy Ikeda, the Chief of the Medical Administration Kajitsuka, I, staff officer Lieutenant
               Colonel  Miyata  (Prince  Takeda),  Kitano,  who  made  the  report,  and  an  officer  who
               accompanied him whose name I do not know.

                  This  was  a  secret  conference.  I  remember  that  after  this  conference  the  written  text  of
               Kitano's report was sent to the Operations Division, where it was subsequently kept. Yamada
               approved  the  method  proposed  by  Kitano  of  employing  plague-infected  fleas  as  a
               bacteriological weapon.

                  ... After Kitano made his report, all those present at the conference went to see a cinema
               film  which  Kitano  had  brought.  This  film  demonstrated  the  employment  of  the
               bacteriological weapon. I did not see this film because, just as I reached the hall where it was
               to be demonstrated, I was called to the Operations Division.. ..



                 Lieutenant Colonel of the Office of the Ministry

                 of Jurisprudence KACHAN for Internal Affairs

                                               for the Khabarovsk Territory, Lieutenant Colonel PAPKOV

                                                                           Interpreter BOLKHOVITINOV

                     RECORD OF INTERROGATION
                    OF THE WITNESS IIJIMA YOSHIO

               October 20, 1949 City of Khabarovsk

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