Page 20 - 《抗日战争研究》2020第三期
P. 20

The Journal of Studies of

                China  s Resistance War Against Japan

                                                      No   3, 2020

    The Self⁃criticism Meetings of the First Prefectural Committee of the CPC in the Shanxi⁃Hebei⁃
          Henan Base …………………………………………………………………………                                                    Zhao Nuo(4)
          In the context of the CPC endeavoring to advocate “criticism and self⁃criticism” during the War of Resistance against
    Japanese Aggression, the self⁃criticism meetings began to be main way for the leadership of the First Prefectural Committee
    of the CPC in the Shanxi⁃Hebei⁃Henan Base to carry out the democratic life. During the rise and development of the
    Rectification Movement, the self⁃criticism meetings of the First Prefectural Committee appeared a tendency of “strictness,”
    “politicization” and “ externalization” in procedure, but it still maintained certain limits. At the same time, the self⁃
    criticism meetings of the First Prefectural Committee did not generally aim at all existing problems, but focusing on solving
    the problem of cadres   ideological backwardness and the relations between superiors and subordinates. So the meetings not
    only gradually became an important regular form for spiritual mobilization and promoted the ideological transformation of
    cadres, but also were helpful for the adjustment of the internal relations among cadres groups.

    A Brief Analysis of Military Functions and Roles of the Staff Divisions of the CPC  s Central
          Military Commission during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
            ………………………………………………………………………………………                                                         Ye Ming(22)
          “The Party commands the gun” is the main military principle of the CPC. The development context of the Party  s
    establishment of absolute leadership over the army is relatively clear, while the studies on the military functions and roles of
    the Party  s military command agencies are opposite less. During the War of Resistance, with the development of the armed
    forces under the leadership of the CPC, the Party  s military command had matured. The staff divisions of the Central
    Military Commission and military command functions of the headquarters at all levels under its jurisdiction were the
    operational basis of “ the Party commands the gun. ” Through their subordinate departments, the staff divisions of the
    Central Military Commission provided references for the military decisions of the CPC  s Central Committee and the Central
    Military Commission. At the same time, they guided the relevant works of headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the
    New Fourth Army at all levels, ensuring the effective implementation of the Party  s all military command decisions.

    From United Front to Autonomy: A Historical Survey of Armed Works by the Guangdong
          Provincial Party Committee of the CPC, 1938 - 1942 ………………………                            Zhong Jian(37)
    The Reorganization of the Bureau of Ordnance to the Army  s Military Industry before the Total
          War of Resistanc …………………………………………………………………                                               Gao Xiang(51)
          In order to meet the needs of national defense construction of resisting against Japan, the Bureau of Ordnance
    formulated The Plan for Building New Arsenals and began to reorganize the Army  s military industry of the whole country.
    Following Yu Dawei  s appointment as Director in 1933, the Bureau of Ordnance promoted accounting system for military
    industry, standardization of production and renovation of equipments, meanwhile it tried to build new arsenals with the help
    of the United States and Germany. In the process of the reorganization of whole country  s Army, the Bureau of Ordnance
    focused on the production of infantry weapons and various types of ammunition urgently needed by the integrated units in the
    light of the production level of the arsenals directly under its jurisdiction and the actual needs of preparations for resisting
    against Japan. And it also enhanced the overall strength of the military industry through the construction of Zhuzhou Arsenal
    and reception of other local arsenals. Although the reorganization got some achievements and laid the foundation of military
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