Page 42 - 《抗日战争研究》2020第四期
P. 42

The Journal of Studies of

                China  s Resistance War Against Japan

                                                      No   4, 2020

    Have Readers in Mind: Experience and Understanding …………………………                                 Mao Haijian(4)
    If Words as Things, either Elegant or Vulgar Are Appropriate …………………                           Luo Zhitian(6)
    Academic Ethics in Paper Writing          ………………………………………………                                Zhong Weimin(9)

    Why Does Paper Writing Become a Problem?                 ……………………………                    Q   Edward Wang(12)
    “Public Order Warfare” of the Japanese Northern China Area Army, 1938 - 1941
        ……………………………………………………………………………………                                                       Huang Bowen(19)
    Japan  s Financial Control over the Occupied Areas of North China, 1938 - 1941
       ………………………………………………………………………………………                                                         Zhang Junyi(34)
          In order to control China  s economic lifeline and plunder materials, Japan gradually established a financial control
    system in the occupied areas of North China from 1938 to 1941. In early 1938, Japan manipulated the establishment of
    puppet China Joint Reserve Bank to issue JRB bonds to replace Chinese national currency. In order to give JRB bonds the
    international trade circulation function, the puppet North China provisional government implemented the exchange
    concentration system to control foreign exchange in North China. After 1941, Japan introduced a special Yuan system to
    regulate foreign trade remittances in North China. Till the outbreak of the Pacific War, the circulation function of the JRB
    bonds was basically perfect. The JRB bonds became the most important currency in the occupied areas of North China,
    marking the final establishment of financial control in the region by Japan. With the help of its experience in North China,
    Japan continuously strengthened the financial control over the “ Great East Asia Co⁃Prosperity Sphere,” resulting in great
    damage to the regional economy.

    The Sino⁃British Negotiations over the Suspension of Foreign Debts Guaranteed by Customs in
         1939 ………………………………………………………………………………                                                      Peng Xinyu(44)

    Unsustainable: Free France  s Military Intelligence Cooperation with the Nationalist Government,
         1941 - 1944 ………………………………………………………………………                                                   Ma Yinting(55)
    Cooperation in Psychological Warfare against Japan between the United States Office of War
          Information and China, 1942 - 1945           …………………………………………                            Chen Jiaqi(66)
          The United States Office of War Information ( OWI) was an important agency for the United States to conduct
    psychological warfare against the enemy during the Pacific War. It established a systematic organization in China  s KMT⁃
    controlled areas, set up a psychological warfare group to carry out anti⁃War works, and received support and help of
    Japanese writer Kaji Wataru (1903 - 1982). OWI also noted the psychological warfare against Japan in the base areas of
    the Communist Party of China, and made a systematic investigation to its experience in educating Japanese prisoners, and
    gradually realized that Japanese prisoners could become “ weapons” for psychological warfare. However, the Sino⁃US
    cooperation dominated by OWI was deeply influenced by the US foreign policies and ideology, and the propaganda for
    American national image and values loomed in the process of cooperation between the two countries, affecting the US  s
    decision⁃making and practice of psychological warfare against Japan.
    The Attempt and Failure of the Commission of Enquiry of the League of Nations to Mediate the
          Sino⁃Japanese Conflict during Its Visit to China …………………………………                              Li Shan(80)
          In March⁃September 1932, in addition to factual investigations, the Commission of Enquiry of the League of Nations
    also tried to seek a solution to the Sino⁃Japanese conflict. At the beginning of his visit to China, Lytton tried to intervene in
    the Shanghai armistice negotiations but was opposed by all parties. Since then, the Commission of Enquiry of the League of
    Nations was largely guided by the British⁃led policy of taking Japan  s part and recognizing Japan  s occupation of the
    Northeast as a fact, and made it clear that it would not invoke Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations in its
    report to claim sanctions against Japan. Against the background of the Japanese Army  s intensive invasion of the Rehe, the
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