Page 102 - 《抗日战争研究》2021第三期
P. 102

ॆರᅞᆚ࿹࣮             2021 ୍ֻ 3 ௹

                 Ϸޗ০̵ Jules Henry̶ ซ߅đ ᆷԛᄝمݓၹູჱ޿໾ሧष٢ႆ؇ᆦପݖ࣢๙֡طᄥ֞౓੻ൈૅݓ෿
                 ؇ೂޅ൞၂۱ࡌഡྟᇉ֥໙ีđ ಪູ҂նॖିؿളᆃဢ֥൙౦đ ଢభ҂ႋھษં。 ①                                    აՎ๝ൈđ պ
                 ົථཟ֣غѰථіૼđ Ԣਔေ౰ᇏರ๔ᆸᅞ׶、 षఓ߶ซᆭຓđ ૅݓ໭ંೂޅ҂߶ؓᄝჹתҐ౼ྛ
                 ׮ۋྖ౿。 ②     ൌ࠽ഈđ ૅݓᆟکࡼჱ޿ᇅರބ߶ၰט๔ᇏರԊ๬ປಆؓ৫đ ಪູ҂ႋھ౏҂ླေॉ
                 ੮ჱ޿ᇅರđ ᆰ֞ಒྐാಀބ௜֥༐ຬ。 ③
                     ֌ෛުđ ૫ؓರЧֻؽՑऋधҕ߶֥҂ކቔ৫ӆđ պົථᄝჱ޿ᇅರ໙ีഈ֥෿؇၂؇౴Ⴟࠒ
                 ࠞބ఼႗。11 ᄅ 9 ರđ ᄝაη֥֨ซ߅ᇏđ պົථิ֞đ ೂݔರЧऋधކቔđ Ⴕсေॉ੮ࢤ༯টေ
                 ቓ൉હ。෰ཟη֨ิԛ೘ཛࡹၰ͇ ႇૅ܋๝ཟᇏݓԛ൲໳ఖ͈ ҂ӵಪರЧ౓੻Ӯݔ、 ҂վॻჍರЧ͈
                 ऋधܓઙರࠊ。 ④ 10 ರđ ᄝՖܤົपԩࠆ༑ರЧ҂߶ҕࡆ҃ਗ਼ೖغ߶ၰ֥౦Бުđ պົථಪູૅݓ
                 ႋھॉ੮ࢤ༯ট֥ྛ׮đ ѩሹࢲਔਆᇕॖି܂ૅݓᆟکҕॉ͇ 1. ฌੱӵಪ߶ၰാϧ͈ 2. ߶ၰղӮླྀ
                 ၰđ ᄝસၞބᄎൻਵთ৳ކؓರЧീࡆ࿢৯。պົථ҂༐ຬ߶ၰാϧđ ౏ಪູ҃ਗ਼ೖغ߶ၰ҂൞ษ
                 ંؓರീ࿢໙ี֥ӆ෮đ ෮ၛิԛ၂ᇕᅼᇏྟᇉ֥ٚσđ ေ౰ҕ߶ݓ๙ݖၛ༯थၰ͇ 1. ҂ᄝ൙ܱᇏ
                 ݓ֥फ൙୭৯ٚ૫Ґ౼ఆ൪ᇏݓ֥ྛ׮͈ 2. ҂ಋඪᇏݓࢤ൳ః҂჻ಞ֥҄ླྀၰ͈ 3. ҂ӵಪ҂ژކࠇ
                 ິМ 《 ࣴݓ܄ჿ》 ่ॻ֥ᇏݓअ൝֥э׮͈ 4. ҂ᄡ๝۳ჍರЧ಩ޅྙൔ֥ჱᇹđ หљ൞վॻ͈֩ 5. ҂
                 ཟರЧิ܂फ൙ჱᇹ。պົථࣉطิԛਆཛࡹၰ͇ ൮༵đ ࡫Ⴟᇏ৫مᄝႋؓᇏರԊ๬đ Ⴍః൞ჱᇹ
                 ᇏݓ໙ีഈඏںૅݓ൭࢖đ ࡹၰૅݓᆟکิ౨ݓ߶٬Ԣࠇۤᇂᇏ৫م。ఃՑđ ૅݓᆟکགྷᄝႋॉ੮
                 ѭॻࡹᄯ۷؟ᅞࡳđ ၛіૼૅݓᆞᄝ࿸෕ुրჹתअ൝ބ໭൪ݓ࠽่ჿ、 බၩ౓੻љݓ֥ݓ࠽໭ᆟ
                 کሑ෿֥ܼٗຯཽ。 ⑤
                     11 ᄅ 12 ರđ ތغቔԛճگđ ಪ๝҃ਗ਼ೖغ߶ၰ҂൞ॉ੮ؓರീ࿢໙ี֥ӆ෮。֌൞ڎקਔպ
                 ົථ֥ᅼᇏٚσ。 ⑥        ࣐ܵೂՎđ պົථѩໃ٢ఙ。14 ರđ ෰ᄝ๝၂฿ଽਆՑᇁ׈ૅݓᆟکđ ေ౰Ґ
                 ౼ࠒࠞծീđ ՜൐҃ਗ਼ೖغ߶ၰ๙ݖथၰđ ҂ӵಪ௝ࢹ໳৯ᄯӮ֥э߄đ ࣌ᆸᆟکվॻ۳ರЧđ ѩಋ
                 ቅ඲ದվॻ。 ⑦
                     ಖطđ պົථ֥ࡔӻໃି൐ތغሇэ෿؇。11 ᄅ 15 ರđ ތغᇁ׈պົථđ ӫགྷᄝߎ҂൞ಞ߶
                 ၰ࿆҃҂ӵಪᆟҦ֥ൡ֒ൈީ。ᇀႿ҂վॻჍರЧ၂ׄđ ތغิྜպົථᇿၩਆ͇ׄ ֻ၂đ ᆃဢ֥
                 ծീӑԛਔ҃ਗ਼ೖغ߶ၰဤ౨඀෮ಒק֥߶ၰၰ൙ٓຶ͈ ֻؽđ ᄝರଽຐष߶֥ݓ৳۲ݓૼಒх૧
                 Ґ౼಩ޅᆃဢ֥ծീ。 ⑧ 16 ರđ ތغ۷൞ڎथਔպົථ٬Ԣࠇۤᇂᇏ৫م֥ࡹၰ。 ⑨                                  պົථಪູ

                    ①  The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France̵ Bullitt̶ đNovember 9đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume
                 IVđp. 170.
                    ②  The Ambassador in France̵ Bullitt̶ to the Secretary of StateđNovember 10đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđ
                 p. 172.
                    ③  Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State̵ Welles̶ of a Conversation with the British Ambassador̵ Lindsay̶ đNovember 13đ
                1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđp. 155.
                    ④  Sir R. Clive̵ Brussels̶ to Foreign OfficeđNovember 9đ1937đDBPOđNo. 344đF 9385 /6799 /10.
                    ⑤  The Chairman of the American Delegation̵ Davis̶ to the Secretary of StateđNovember 10đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far Eastđ
                 Volume IVđpp. 175 - 177.
                    ⑥  The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation̵ Davis̶ đNovember 12đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far Eastđ
                 Volume IVđp. 180.
                    ⑦  The Chairman of the American Delegation̵ Davis̶ to the Secretary of StateđNovember 14đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far Eastđ
                 Volume IVđpp. 185 - 186.
                    ⑧  The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation̵ Davis̶ đNovember 15đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far Eastđ
                 Volume IVđpp. 187 - 188.
                    ⑨  The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation̵ Davis̶ đNovember 16đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far Eastđ
                 Volume IVđp. 193.
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