Page 94 - 《抗日战争研究》2021第三期
P. 94
ॆರᅞᆚ࣮ 2021 ୍ֻ 3 ௹
ႇݓߎܱྏ൞ڎဤ౨්৳ބ֣ݓҕ߶。 ① ൌ࠽ഈđ ႮႿݓ৳थၰݤۂ “ ᄝჹתႵห൹০ၭ֥ݓࡅ”đ
ຓࢸ௴ђಪ්ູ৳ࡼᄝФဤ౨ᆭਙ。 ②
ૅݓᆟکޓॹؓႇݓ֥࿘໙ቓԛճگ。10 ᄅ 7 ರđ ݓༀჽᇹݓༀౡຯغ̵ Hugh Wilson̶ ᄝ
აႇݓսϷઔ০ห̵ V. A. L. Mallet̶ ߶ซൈؓႇݓܱྏ֥໙ี၂၂ቔԛճگ͇ 1. ႋೂޅؿԛဤ౨͌
ૅݓᆟک֥ࡹၰ൞đ ႮԢᇏݓ、 ರЧ、 ૅݓᆭຓ֥ః 《ࣴݓ܄ჿ》 దሳݓิԛᅺष߶ၰ֥৳ކࡹ
ၰ͈ 2. ဤ౨ႋҐ౼હྙൔ͌ ૅݓᆟکಪູဤ౨֥іඍႋ࣐ॖିॺٗđ ᆺิ߶ၰ֥ൈࡗ、 ֹׄđ
ᆷԛ߶ၰ֥ଢ֥൞࿙ᅳၛླྀၰࢲඏԊ֥ٚم͈ 3. ႋᄝଧईྛ߶ၰ͌ ૅݓᆟک҂ࡹၰֹׄ࿊ᄝ
ഹؘđ ္҂༐ຬᄝնݓ൮ࠇರଽຐđ ༐ຬႇݓॉ੮ᄝᇝଖ۱ཬݓईྛ߶ၰ͈ 4. હൈީईྛ
߶ၰ͌ ૅݓᆟکಪູႋ࣐ॹᅺष߶ၰ͈ 5. ᇀႿဤ౨්৳ބ֣ݓ֥ॖྛྟđ ૅݓᆟک༐ຬਔࢳႇݓᆟ
ک֥ुمđ ѩඪૼ්৳ބ֣ݓҕ߶ൈ֥ॖି؇。 ③ 8 ರđ ૅݓႻࣉ၂҄ۡᆩႇݓ͇ 1. અථڞሹࡹ
ၰႮб০ൈ൮ཌྷٓᄶধ̵ Paul van Zeeland̶ ؿԛဤ౨͈ 2. ၛ҃ਗ਼ೖغູ߶ၰֹ͈ׄ 3. ਆᇛᆭଽᅺष߶
ၰ͈ 4. ߶ၰᅺषᆭުᄜॉ੮ဤ౨ఃݓࡅ。 ④ ؓՎđ ႇݓ၂ٚ૫іൕၩđ ਸ਼၂ٚ૫Ⴛิԛ༐ຬᄝ
ހধݚईྛ߶ၰ。 ⑤ ෛሢހধᆟک֥ऋधđ ႇݓቋުၩᄝб০ൈईྛ。 ⑥
ႇ、 ૅෙၘഅקᄝб০ൈᅺषࣴݓ܄ჿ߶ၰđ ߎྶᆘ֤б০ൈᆟک֥ၩ。൙ൌഈđ ᄝ҃ਗ਼
ೖغᅺष߶ၰ֥ࡹၰᄝб০ൈଽ҆ѩ٤ದّؓ。б০ൈሁರնϘ෬ଚήغ̵ Baron Albert de
Bassompierre̶ ఼ࠧਛّؓᆃ၂ࡹၰđ ಪູ ͇ “ ಌഒ৯ਈ֥ݓ࠽ྛथ҂߶ڿэᇏݓ൙֥ؿᅚđ ط
б০ൈᆟکᆃဢቓᆺ߶ಖݝఃЧദᄝರЧ֥০ၭ。” ⑦ ಖطđ ᄝႇ、 ૅਆݓ֥ಋඪ༯đ б০ൈ
૨఼ၩ。࣐ܵೂՎđ б০ൈᆟکѩ҂༐ຬຓࢸӁള൞б০ൈᄝؿఏބਵ֝ࣴݓ܄ჿ߶ၰ֥ႆ
འ。 ⑧ ܣطđ б০ൈބႇ、 ૅਆݓษંਔ߶ၰဤ౨֥໓ሳіඍ໙ี。б০ൈ༵აႇݓഅษԛਆᇕ
໓ሳіඍٚσđ ࠧ߶ၰᆭᅺष༢ “ ႋૅݓᆟکބႇݓᆟکေ”đ ࠇᆀ “ႋႇݓᆟکေđ طႇݓᆟ
ک֥ေၘ֤֞ૅݓᆟک֥ᆦӻ”。ႇݓބб০ൈन༐ຬૅݓၩֻ၂ᇕіඍ đ ૅݓಪູഈඍ
ਆٚσૼಒࡼૅݓაႇݓϾᄝ၂ఏđ ቋᇗေ֥൞đ ᆃ߶ಞದӁളૅݓሔෛႇݓ֥ႆའ。ູՎđ ૅ
ݓࡹၰ֥໓ሳіඍ൞͇ ߶ၰᆭᅺष༢ “ ႋႇݓᆟکေđ ֤ૅݓᆟکၩ”。 瑏瑠 ቋުđ ႇݓބб০
ൈࢤ൳ਔૅݓ֥ࡹၰ。 瑏瑡
10 ᄅ 16 ರđ б০ൈᆟکᆞൔཟૅݓᆟکؿԛ߶ၰဤ౨。၂฿đ ૅݓࢤ൳ဤ౨đ ѩᄴקպົ
① The British Embassy to the Department of StateđOctober 6đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđp. 64.
② The Minister in Switzerland̵ Harrison̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 7đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđp. 65.
③ The Department of State to the British EmbassyđOctober 7đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđpp. 65 - 66.
④ Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations̵ Dunn̶ of a Trans-Atlantic Telephone Conversation with the Charge in the
United Kingdom̵ Johnson̶ đOctober 8đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđp. 68.
⑤ The Charge in the United Kingdom̵ Johnson̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 8đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume
IVđpp. 69 - 70.
⑥ The Charge in the United Kingdom̵ Johnson̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 9đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume
IVđp. 70.
⑦ The Ambassador in Japan̵ Grew̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 13đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđp. 74.
⑧ The Ambassador in Belgium̵ Gibson̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 14đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđp. 78.
⑨ The Charge in the United Kingdom̵ Johnson̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 15đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume
IVđpp. 79 - 80.
瑏 瑠 Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State̵ Wilson̶ of a Trans-Atlantic Telephone Conversation with the Charge in the
United Kingdom̵ Johnson̶ đOctober 15đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume IVđpp. 81 - 82.
瑏 瑡 The Charge in the United Kingdom̵ Johnson̶ to the Secretary of StateđOctober 15đ1937đFRUSđ1937đThe Far EastđVolume
IVđp. 82.
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