Page 37 - 《近代史研究》2020第四期
P. 37
Modern Chinese History Studies
No. 4, 2020
)Constructing the National Spirit* : A Study on Zeng KunhuaB History of China
.........................................................................................................................................Li Xiaoqian (4)
History of China ( Zhongguo lishi) compiled and translated by Zeng Kunhua is a product of the new historiooraphy in
the earty twentieth century. In terms of style and contents, this book borrowed many materials from texthooks on the
Chinese histora and East Asian histora m Meiji Japan. With a Han-centered nationalist theme, V profoundty influenced the
reform of the nationai histora J the decade before the 1911 Revelution, and became a role modei for similar historicai works
in the aspects such as new hi ztoriooraphy, new terms used in history, and picture s used in history. Zeng Kunhua was the
first one who inteyrated HuangdiV stora of moving the East in the narrative of the Chinese histora and drew HuangdiV
portrait, so he was a pioneer of the Huangdi fever in the earty twentieth century. Zeng's book reflected the sociai, politicai,
and historical trends of Vs time; therefore, V was not onty a historical work, but also a texthook for politicai education.
Howevee, the book per se dif not contriauto much new knowledge ; instead, V only shared the mteSectual resources of that
era, so V ended up as an outdated work.
)Knowing thn New” and)Recovering thn Old* : A New Interuretahon of Dong KangB Latnu
Thoughts on the Legnlation Reform .................................................................. Lin Zhouqs(23)
After the 1911 Revolution, Dong Kang's thoughts on leyislation had changed. He reSected on the leyislation reform in
the late Qing and gmdua7u formed a more mature approach of “ knowing the new" and “ reccvering the old *. With this
appeoach, h1distinguish1d th1sp1ciaeChin1s1chaeacteisticsand th1unie1esaete1nd ooth1woeed and beoughtouthisown
opinion about the legislation reform of the criminai law and civii law foe Republican China in the 1920s一1940s. He
eeckoned thattheceiminaeeawbased on theunieeesaeteend oothewoeed shoued aesosteeson theChineseeituaeteadition and
the real social needs, and the first three parts of the civil law couli follow the global trend but the revision of the parts on
eeeatiee=and inheeitance=houed empha=iae=ociaeidentitie=and =ociaecu=tom=.Dongetpected thiappeoach woued eeduce
the conflicts between law and social reality- Dong thought that “reccvering the oli" was based on “knowing the new" , in
othee words, the reccvered rites, tovethee with laws, were the means of governance. On the one hand, Dong Kang's
appeoach wasin accoedancewith thesociaeteend oocuetueaeconseeeatism and theeegaepeooessionaesscoeectieeeeoeection.
On theotheehand, amongthemanyeegaeetpeetsseeoeectionson theeegiseation eeooem, Dongssideassuch aseecoeeeingthe
natieeeationaeinstitutionsand eeooemingtheeawstooitthesociaeand cuetueaeeeaeityweeesteaightooewaed and unambiguous
in paeticueae.
An Analyst of the Controversy about Establishing the Position of Xinjiang Governor-General and
the Goveruanct of Xinjiang in the Late Qing................................................. ZZann Chenn(38)
In the New Policy Reform of the late Qing, Ili General Changgeng proposed to establish the position of Xinjiang
GoeeenoecGeneeaeand hispeoposaeeed totheconteoeeesyamongthepoeiticaeeeitesaboutthegoeeenanceoOthenoethwesteen
eontiee.Changgenghad con iictswith theGeand Counciioesand iocaioiciaiswhen hepeomoted hisagenda.Aiongwith
themuitipieeoundsoOdiscu sions, theieconteoeeesygeaduaiymoeed intomoeepeoound ieeeis. ThetopicsoOtheie
discu sionsinciuded theinstitution oOpeesonnei, thepeeception oOthe eontiees, and themodeoOgoeeenance.Eeentuaiy,
theQingcouetdecided tocontinuetheoid system in Xiniiangbuteeaeanged thepoweesteuctueetheee, and thesepoiicies
eesuited in thechangeoOtheShaanticGansu GoeeenoecGeneeai.Theconteoeeesyaboutestabiishingtheposition oOthe
XiniiangGoeeenoecGeneeaiin theiateyeaesoOtheGuangtu Reign aisohad impacton theNoethwesteen societyin the
XuantongReign and in iuenced thegoeeenanceoOXiniiangcontinuousiy.
Merchants, Trade and the Frontier: Research on Han Merchants in the Mongolian Kulun Region
in the Lat u Qing ....................................................................................................... Lin Yuenu( 51)
In order to protect the liveliJood of the Mongolian banners, the Qing court used to ban Han merchants Srom China